Tel: 04 – 6721444 ext. 201
Senior Scientist
Ph.D. 1985, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
At IOLR since 1987
Research interests:
Physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology of fresh water and marine algae. Development of biotechnological systems for unicellular mass cultivation of unicellular algae. Cyanobacteria and algal toxins. Algal productivity and competition among algal populations in lakes and fresh water reservoirs. Applied limnology and water quality of freshwater ecosystems.
Selected publications:
Sukenik, A., Beardall, J. and Hadas, O. (2007). Photosynthetic characterization of developing and mature akinetes of Aphanizomenon ovalisporum (Cyanoprokaryota). J. Phycol. 43:780-788.
Sukenik, A., Reisner, M., Carmeli, S. and Werman, M. (2006). Oral toxicity of the cyanobacterial toxin cylindrospermopsin in mice: long term exposure to low doses. Environ. Toxicol. 21:575-582.
Quesada, A., Moreno, E., Carrasco, D., Paniagua, T., Wormer, L., De Hoyos, C. and Sukenik, A. (2006). Toxicity of Aphanizomenon ovalisporum (Cyanobacteria) in a Spanish water reservoir. Eur. J. Phycol. 41:39-45.
Beresovsky, D., Hadas, O., Livne, A., Sukenik, A., Kaplan, A. and Carmeli, S. (2006). Toxins and biologically active secondary metabolites of Microcystis sp. isolated from Lake Kinneret. Isr. J. Chem. 46:79-87.
Schatz, D., Keren, Y., Hadas, O., Carmeli, S., Sukenik, A. and Kaplan, A. (2005). Ecological implications of the emergence of non-toxic subcultures from toxic Microcystis strains. Environ. Microbiol. 7:798-805.
Torokne, A., Asztalos, M., Bankine, M., Bickel, H., Borbely, G., Carmeli, S., Codd, G.A., Fastner, J., Huang, O., Humpage, A., Metcalf, J.S., Rabai, E., Sukenik, A., Suranyic, G., Vasas, G. and Weiszfeiler, V. (2004). Interlaboratory comparison trial on cylindrospermopsin measurement. Anal. Biochem. 332:280-284.
Shaked, Y., Erel, Y. and Sukenik, A. (2004). The biogeochemical cycle of iron and associated elements in Lake Kinneret. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68:1439-1451.
Reisner, M., Carmeli, S., Werman, M. and Sukenik, A. (2004). The cyanobacterial toxin cylindrospermopsin inhibits pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis and alters cholesterol distribution in mice. Toxicol. Sci. 82:620 -627.